Friday, July 30, 2010

Reflections on Leadership

As part of Leadership Day 2010, based on Scott McLeod's Dangerously Irrelevant blog, I have decided to discuss leadership and technology, but I'd like to take a slightly different tack.

There are many things that I expect from the administration of my school, but I do not expect my principal to be a leader in technology. So what is administration's role in knowing and implementing technology into the school to improve learning? I see the administration as having a supporting role. I think that in many school buildings there are teachers who are resources. As my grandfather used to say, why have a dog and bark yourself?

I expect that when I have a brilliant idea as far as incorporating technology into my lessons, I can go to my administration and they will be 100% on board. I expect my administration to ask me the important questions. The "how" and "why" questions. I will not be insulted if my administration doesn't know why and how I would want to use technology in my lessons... rather, I should be excited that I get the chance to share the how and why. After all, if there's no answer to these questions, should we really be using the technology? If there IS an answer to these questions, shouldn't it be my job as a teacher to explain the answers to administration (as well as all other teaching staff that are interested)?

In essence, I don't expect my principal to get a Facebook account, tweet his life away, start a blog and start using Google apps. I simply want him to be open to some of the ideas other staff members might have with regards to technology.

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